Upcoming RAW 1.11 Update

A huge thank you to anyone reading this!

I am planning on releasing an update to RAW by next week. I'm super excited with how these adjustments improve gameplay. 
I value feedback and criticism. If you enjoy the game as is I don't necessarily have to update the credit drop amounts or damage outputs. I find my tendency of overpowering things a bit cumbersome sometimes so please let me know your thoughts.

RAW 1.11 Upcoming Update

- Still in progress.

To Do:

 - Update Player Appearances


 - Updated Basic Weapon (Starter weapon) damage to 135, up from 115.

 - Updated FlameThrower to have a larger range, stronger cone effect, and piercing (burning through enemies). Decreased the damage by 100.

Credit System:

 - Adjusted drop amounts from 1,5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50,100 to 4,8,12,20,32,52,84,136,220,356 


 - Created new obstacle images and modified the random generator pool to reflect the new images.

RAW Units:

 - BASIC RAW Unit (Starter Unit)

   - Adjusted starting health to 200, up from 160.


 - Sped up the nuclear explosion animation by 50 milliseconds


 - Your old save file will work with this update. 
- The update will replace the currently available RAW game file. I will do my best to keep the original available.

Get RAW (Rogue Artificial Warframe)

Buy Now$6.00 USD or more

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