RAW 1.11 Progress

RAW 1.11 will be a huge adjustment from the previous version of RAW. Because of this, I'm sharing some updated video since I'm not yet finished updating RAW 1.11 but wanted to provide an update on progress. 

I'm contemplating changing the appearance of the enemy RAWs, Advanced RAWs, and Killbots as well. To be honest, 1.11 would have been done by now but I spent most of the day playing it instead of working on it.

RAW 1.11 Update: Notes


- Modified weapon damage, fire rates, and projectile specifics for Boombolt (Sniper), FastFire (Machine Gun), Doomwave (AoE with very low drop rate), Basic (Pistol), and Reaper (Homing Projectile).

Credit System:

- Adjusted credit drop amounts from 1,5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50,100 to 4,8,12,20,32,52,84,136,220,356.

Credit Store (Upgrades and unlockables)

- Modified costs for all RAW skins and advanced starter weapons.


- Updated appearances for several obstacles to give them more of a unique appearance.

RAW Units (Player Character):

- Modified BASIC RAW unit (Player Starter) to be a bit more hearty.

- Modified ADVANCED RAW unit skin appearances.


- Sped up the nuclear explosion animation by 50 milliseconds

Instruction Screen:

- Updated How-To-Play Information.

To Do:
Update Enemy RAWs, Advanced RAWS, and Killbot appearances. 

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