RAW 1.5 Update Out Now!

RAW 1.5 Update!


- While I'm not 100% finished with the animations (I want to make them a lot more noticeable) I've placed animated placeholders for player equips, basic enemies, and all stage bosses. 

- In addition, I've updated the weapon pickup animations, which I'm 100% happy with, as well as several projectiles.

   UI Update!

- I added new info bars for the player equips. The new info bars also give each player equip a designated class and series.  

New Music!

- I've added several new songs to the game, including a new main menu song.

Game Mechanics!

- I've implemented difficulty modifiers for the basic enemies and stage bosses to make the game a bit more intense. 

Game Screens!

- I've added several game over and game complete screens. These screens will display based on player equip. They also tell the story of RAW as you progress through the game. I will be updating these in the next update to be more unique, but my main focus was implementing the story. 

- New RAW main menu screen has been added!

Game Balance!

- I've adjusted damage on a few weapons (more notably the Reaper and Doomwave weapons) to give them a bit more of an edge. 

- I've updated player stats to give it a bit more survivability.

- I increased credit drop rates for higher credit amounts by a small amount.  

Moving Forward!

- In the new RAW update, I plan on implementing a more cohesive store with several new possible items to purchase. I also plan on changing the credit animations, update the stage boss animations, and others. 

As always, thanks for reading, watching, and checking out RAW. If you purchase it, I sincerely hope you enjoy it as much as I have! 

RAW 1.5 Showcase Video! 


RAW15Setup.zip 79 MB
79 days ago

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